Frequently Asked Questions
How much do you charge?
My hourly rates start at $60 per hour.
After I've discussed your project with you, I'll generally provide you with a flat-fee quote for the whole job. You can also work with me on a per-page or per-hour basis, if you prefer.
The total cost for your project will naturally depend on the total number of words. It will also depend on the depth of my involvement: writing something from scratch takes more time per page, and is more demanding work, than copy editing, for example.
My project is on an incredibly tight deadline. Are you okay with that?
Depending on what's involved, I may charge a higher rate for rush jobs.
My computer fixes spelling and grammar mistakes. I'm also a university graduate. Why would I need to pay an editor to look over my stuff?
A second pair of eyes can be the difference between a work that is more or less adequate and a work that really shines. Plus, an experienced editor sees a document in ways the average person doesn’t. Check out Editors Canada’s five good reasons to hire an editor.
I'd be most comfortable working entirely by email. Can you do that?
Absolutely. I’m happy to meet in person, by phone/Zoom, or by email—or any combination of the above.
Editors have a bit of a reputation for being fault-finding and grouchy. Are you going to say mean things about my manuscript?
Having a perfect stranger trust me with their “baby” is an incredible privilege for which I am endlessly thankful. It’s an editor’s job to be honest and unflinching, but I really try to be gentle about it. And I’m an actively publishing writer myself as well as an editor, so I know what it’s like to face criticism. In all these years of reading manuscripts by new writers, I’ve never seen a project that didn’t have potential.
My manuscript is enormous—thousands and thousands of pages. Can you work with that?
Bring it on!
My project contains information of a sensitive nature. Can I trust you to be completely discreet?
Of course. I'll happily sign a non-disclosure agreement if you like. In general, I make it a habit not to discuss the details of my clients' projects with anyone at all, ever.
Can you edit my thesis?
Yes, but there are certain guidelines I am bound to follow. You can read about them here: editors.ca/hire/theses.html
Can I get a discount?
Maybe! I am often able to give a bit of a discount to clients who are willing to accept a significantly slower turnaround.
Can I pay by instalments?
For sure. I generally bill in instalments, with a small percentage up front.